Santa Clarita Die(s)t

A few weeks ago we finished the final season of Santa Clarita Diet…an excellent if slightly macabre look in the suburban American home. It was quirky and funny and I’ll miss it’s grim off beat humor. During season 3 episode six, there is a moment where Drew and Timothy’s characters are having a serious discussion about their marriage amidst a “men’s rights meeting/murder party” when she is interrupted by the soon to be murder victim…and she turns and shoots him this look….”Shut the Fuck Up, Bob". Me and the Wife both burst out laughing, cause the tone of voice, the crazed look in her eyes, seemed to sum up the energy of the show perfectly…my wife looked at me and said…”Well, there’s your T-shirt.” And I’ll be dammed if she wasn’t correct… Ladies and gentlemen…Drew Barrymore…available on all sorts of stuff at (I got the shirt. People either give me a thumbs up or a weird look when I wear it…so yeah…I call it a successful design.)